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Debt Advice Service

If you need support in managing your debts, our free Debt Advice Service is here to help.

 To arrange an appointment, please call our dedicated Debtline on:

 01332 228745

 Or send us an enquiry on the form below:


10 + 7 =

We offer a free, confidential, impartial and professional service with our client’s best interests in mind. In return we ask our clients to adhere to our client agreement as follows.

We will…

Assess your income, providing income maximisation advice.

Advise you on your options for dealing with your debts.

Help you create your financial statement and liaise with your creditors. 

You will…

Attend all appointments that are scheduled

Return all required documents/information by given deadline

Not enter into separate agreements with creditors without consulting us. 

Working with one of our debt caseworkers…

Your initial appointment can be completed via telephone, video call or face to face in one of our office locations.  We also have a limited number of evening and weekend appointments available.

You can inform our advisers of your preferences when booking an appointment. 

After your initial appointment, your case will be periodically reviewed. We assess all received documents and information and will work through it in a priority-based order. You may not receive an immediate response from your caseworker if you reach out but rest assured, your case is being monitored and appropriate action taken as and when required.

Możesz znaleźć dalsze informacje na temat zarządzania długami i szeroką gamę narzędzi samopomocy tutaj.

We understand your situation could be stressful and you might be frustrated – but our staff have the right to do their jobs without being treated badly and verbal abuse will not be tolerated; your call or appointment will be ended if abuse continues following a warning.

You can read our full unacceptable behaviour policy at: