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Community of Practice (CoP)

Community of Practice (CoP)

Join the Community of Practice (CoP), a collaborative that come together to identify gaps in service provision and co-produce solutions to address them. The CoP has been focused on the shaping of autism services in Derbyshire and Derby City, we are now expanding our focus to include learning disability and wider neurodivergent services (e.g., ADHD, dyspraxia).

What is the aim of the CoP?

Our aim is to put the people who use the services we commission at the forefront of the conversation, to ensure that new services are created with direct input from the communities that access them.

This concept is a new way of commissioning services, with funding from Joined Up Care Derbyshire coming through the CoP, to make for a faster commissioning route which makes funding more accessible to smaller providers and encourages partnership working opportunities.

If you would like to receive meeting invites, please email  with your name and organisation (if applicable). Anyone with an interest is welcome to join, we particularly welcome the input of people with lived experience/ Experts by Experience. Meetings are monthly with additional engagement events to co-produce work packages, attendance at meetings is optional.

Come and join the conversation!

You can find out more information about this by following the link below or sending us an email.

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