Community Support:
GP Surgeries
The team behind Universal Services for Carers know how hard it is to access medical appointments – both at your local GP surgery, as well as at the hospital. That is why you will be able to find us in your local GP surgery, offering a variety of support, including:
• Working with your local GP surgery to develop better strategies for identifying and supporting carers when accessing medical appointments (such as ensuring reception know you are a carer when booking and offering the option of booking double appointments for yourself and the person you care for);
• Being present within GP surgeries for face-to-face advice and information sessions;
• Ensuring care based literature is readily available and up to date.
Contact Us
If wish to contact the service for information and advice, to book onto a well-being activity or training event, or to enquire about a Carers Conversations, drop-ins, or peer support, you can do so in the following ways: